Parent Contributions

Parent Contributions - Junior Campus

Under the Department of Education and Training’s Parent Payments Policy, Victorian government schools are required to provide transparent information to their school community on voluntary parent/carer contributions. The document below outlines the voluntary parent/carer contributions at our school.

Hampton East School is looking forward to another great year of teaching and learning and would like to advise you of Hampton East School’s voluntary financial contributions for 2023. The ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students. We want to thank you for all you support.


Parent Contributions - Senior Campus

Under the Department of Education and Training’s Parent Payments Policy, Victorian government schools are required to provide transparent information to their school community on voluntary parent/carer contributions. The document below outlines the voluntary parent/carer contributions at our school.

Hampton East School is looking forward to another great year of teaching and learning and would like to advise you of Hampton East School’s voluntary financial contributions for 2023. The ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students. We want to thank you for all you support.
